PSHCE — Year 12


PSHCE Overview

Terms 1 and 2: Mental Health and Personal Safety

o Understand and be able to access further and higher education options and training, including apprenticeships

o Learn how to apply for future roles, create a CV and prepare for life in work

o Maintain ‘work life balance’ including understanding the importance of continuing with regular exercise and sleep

o Manage being ‘new’ in ‘new places’; fitting in and making new friends;

o Register with and access health services in new locations

o Apply strategies for maintaining positive mental health

o Recognise when they need to employ strategies to re-establish positive mental health including managing stress and anxiety

o Recognise when they, or others, need support with their mental health and how to access the most appropriate support

o Manage alcohol and drug use in relation to immediate and long-term health; understand alcohol and drug use can affect decision making and personal safety; evaluate the impact of their use on road safety, work-place safety, legal safety, reputation and career

PSHCE in Key Stage 5 is assessed through bi-weekly PSHCE tutorial sessions, bi-weekly assemblies from Sixth Form staff and external guest speakers, as well as termly collapsed 'Pastoral Days'.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students feel confident understanding and dealing with the various important issues covered. Students are promoted and given opportunities to discuss and debate these topics and other current events in our Votes For Schools tutorial sessions that happen weekly.

Create a supportive community:

Students are fully engaged in the Sixth Form tutorial programme and it acts as a considerable and important part of their wider school Study Programme. This allows sixth form students to support students in other groups lower down in the school and also allows them to feel confident to support and confide in each other when needed.

Terms 3 and 4: Healthy Relationships and Safe Sex

o Recognise common mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, disordered eating, self-harm and compulsive behaviours in themselves; evaluate support available to manage these behaviours, and to access the most appropriate support for themselves or others

o Work alongside those with mental health issues and know how (and when) to provide support

o Avoid contracting or passing on a sexually transmitted infection (STI); know what do to if they are concerned about or think they may have put themselves at risk of contracting an STI (including getting tested, stopping sexual activity until tests come back clear, telling partners) and know where and how to access local and national advice, diagnosis and treatment

o Manage personal safety off-line, including when socialising (including meeting someone in person for the first time whom they met online, drink spiking, looking out for friends) and travelling (especially cycle safety, young driver safety, and passenger safety.

PSHCE in Key Stage 5 is assessed through bi-weekly PSHCE tutorial sessions, bi-weekly assemblies from Sixth Form staff and external guest speakers, as well as termly collapsed 'Pastoral Days'.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students feel confident understanding and dealing with the various important issues covered. Students are promoted and given opportunities to discuss and debate these topics and other current events in our Votes For Schools tutorial sessions that happen weekly.

Create a supportive community:

Students are fully engaged in the Sixth Form tutorial programme and it acts as a considerable and important part of their wider school Study Programme. This allows sixth form students to support students in other groups lower down in the school and also allows them to feel confident to support and confide in each other when needed.

Terms 5 and 6: Personal Privacy and Money Management

o Set and maintain clear boundaries around their personal privacy; protect their personal reputation especially online; be a ‘responsible provider’ of online data about themselves or about others (including understanding how cameras and microphones in computers and mobile phones can be activated without their knowledge)

o Understand cults, extremism and radicalisation; recognise when someone is at risk of being radicalised; understand why it is important to tell someone; whom to tell

o Understand savings options; know where to save, when to save and why

o Understand and manage debt, differentiating between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ debt; assess sources of and risks associated with loans; calculate repayments; understand the concepts of ‘affordability’ (its impact on broader lifestyle and relationships) and ‘being able to pay’ (having the money); understand the consequences of failure to repay, especially short-term high interest loans; assess the risks associated with ‘underwriting’ or being a guarantor

PSHCE in Key Stage 5 is assessed through bi-weekly PSHCE tutorial sessions, bi-weekly assemblies from Sixth Form staff and external guest speakers, as well as termly collapsed 'Pastoral Days'.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Students feel confident understanding and dealing with the various important issues covered. Students are promoted and given opportunities to discuss and debate these topics and other current events in our Votes For Schools tutorial sessions that happen weekly.

Create a supportive community:

Students are fully engaged in the Sixth Form tutorial programme and it acts as a considerable and important part of their wider school Study Programme. This allows sixth form students to support students in other groups lower down in the school and also allows them to feel confident to support and confide in each other when needed.