We value building great relationships. Our Tutors are the first port of call if students or parents have any queries or need support. Year Leaders, supported by senior member of staff, are also on hand to give advice – there is always someone to help.
year leaders:
Year 7 - Mrs Nicola MacBlain
Year 8 - Mr Sebastian Langeveldt
Year 9 - Miss Danielle Ludwell
Year 10 - Miss Rebecca Urch
Year 11 - Miss Rachel Bate
House system
At BFS all students and staff are a member of one of our four houses. Our house system creates smaller schools within one big school. A smaller community of students and staff who have a sense of belonging, shared identity and healthy competition. The house system provides a focal point for awards, events and mixes all ages ranges to enable older students to mentor and younger students. It also allows for us to reward each student under each of our Core Values.
Each house contributes members to our House Parliament thereby allowing student voice in the future direction of the school. Each house also has an annual fundraising event aimed at supporting a local charity.
The pastoral care at Bristol Free School ensures that our students grow into well-rounded, reflective, caring and thoughtful young people ready to take their place in society.