PSHCE — Year 9


PSHCE Overview

Term 1: Essential Life Skills

In this unit students will study a variety of important life skills and knowledge such as resilience, first aid, the importance of happiness, what is anger, saving and managing money, employment and financial management, social media and online stress.

Self assessment

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 5: Contraception and STIs

This unit builds on the relationships and sex education from term 3 and explores sexually transmitted infections (STIs), contraceptives available, condoms, sexual harassment and stalking, HIV and AIDs, AIDs prejudice and discrimination.

Self assessment

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 2: Legal and illegal drugs

This unit gives students a comprehensive introduction to drugs, different types of addiction, drugs: cannabis products, drugs classifications, party drugs, illegal drugs and the law, volatile substance abuse, prescription drug dangers.

Self assessment

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 4: Body confidence

This unit allows students to consider self-esteem changes, what is a penis, what is a vulva, HBT - bullying in all its forms, dealing with grief and loss, media and airbrushing, cancer prevention and healthy lifestyles.

Self assessment

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 3: Sex, the law and consent

In this unit students will explore sexual consent and the law, female genital mutilation (FMG) and the law, delaying sexual activity, sex before and outside of marriage, why have sex, relationships and partners, pleasure and masturbation, and what are STIs.

Self assessment

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 6: Combatting extremism and terrorism

In this unit students will explore conspiracy theories and extremist narratives, extremism, what is terrorism, proud to be British, the radicalisation process, counter terrorism, and anti-Semitism.

Self assessment

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural
Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community: