Religion and Philosophy Daily Question

72 days to go until Y10 take their first GCSE exam! This is their revision question for the day. Could you answer it?

Give two of the holy books in Islam other than the Qur’an

Previous questions...
1Give two ways in which religious believers help victims of war.
2Explain two contrasting views on contraception in Christianity
3Explain two similar religious beliefs about war.
4Explain two reasons why marriage is a sacred bond
5‘The Bible tells Christians all they need to know about God’s creation’. Evaluate this statement.
6Explain two Islamic beliefs about the nature of God.
7Give the names of four Islamic angels
8Give two different roles that prophets have in Islam.
9Give two reasons why Akhirah is important in Islam.
10‘The Qur’an contains all the guidance that Muslims need to live a perfect Muslim life’. Evaluate this statement.
11Explain two differences in Shia and Sunni beliefs
12Explain two Muslim beliefs about the prophet Muhammad
13Explain the concept of denominations and give examples
14‘It is not always wrong to have sex before marriage’. Evaluate this statement
15Explain two contrasting religious views about remarriage
16Explain two religious beliefs about forgiveness
17Give two reasons why some religious people may wish to protest
18‘There are no good reasons for countries to possess nuclear weapons’. Evaluate this statement (82 days March 1st )
19Give two reasons why Christians might fight
20Describe evidence in the Bible about the incarnation
21Explain two religious beliefs about the nature of marriage. Refer to scripture in your answer
22‘God cannot be good and all powerful’ Evaluate this statement
23Explain what Christians mean when they describe Jesus as the Word
24Explain the importance of the death and resurrection of Jesus
25‘Adam and Eve are to blame for all the sin in the world’ Evaluate this statement
26Explain the concepts of salvation and atonement
27Explain two Christian teachings about the Trinity. Refer to scripture in your answer
28Give two ways in which Christians believe God shows his benevolence